DNA Biological Age Sensor
The DNA Biological Age Sensor analyzes to what extent genes influence biological age and which individual measures can slow down the aging process.
The Biological Age Sensor analyzes to what extent genes influence biological age and which individual measures can slow down the aging process.
Our cells renew themselves regularly through cell division because most cells in the human body have a limited lifespan, they need to be regularly replaced. For example, the cells of the small intestine require this particularly often, as they have a lifespan of no more than two days. In contrast, skin cells reach an age of about 20 days.
Cell renewal occurs independently through division, with the chromosomes on which our genetic code is stored having to be completely replicated (= copied) every time.
People age at different rates microscopically, our chromosomes have the shape of an X, whose arm ends are also called telomeres. Telomeres form the protective caps of our chromosomes and prevent - similar to the plastic reinforcements of shoelaces – the fraying of our genetic material. With each cell division, our telomeres become a little shorter until they have reached a critical length, causing the affected cell to no longer be functional or capable of division and die.
We ultimately refer to this process as aging. However, the increasing degeneration of telomeres and the associated aging process occur at different rates depending on genetic predisposition. In particular, the body's own enzyme telomerase can slow down, prevent or even reverse the shortening of our telomeres. However, the artificial administration of telomerase through anti-aging creams, supplements, or dietary supplements carries the risk of promoting uncontrolled cell growth and cancer formation.
In addition to our genetic predisposition, lifestyle also plays an important role in telomere shortening. For example, smoking, UV radiation, chemicals, an unbalanced diet, long-term stress, and chronic lack of sleep accelerate cell aging, while regular exercise, fresh whole foods, and the use of relaxation techniques can be beneficial for our telomeres.
How does our Biological Age Sensor work? With our Biological Age Sensor, our laboratory analyzes the saliva sample submitted for genes that are related to the length of your telomeres.
In this context, we can determine whether the genetic ability to extend telomeres is present and which measures are helpful in individual cases to slow down degeneration.
We evaluate the analysis results in a detailed written report, which, among other things, provides individual recommendations for reducing biological aging.
Overall, our Biological Age Sensor can be valuable in slowing down the aging process and supporting cell renewal.
Biological Age Sensor Overview
DNA Analysis of genes associated with the aging process
Evaluation of genetic ability to slow down the aging
Reliable & ISO-certified genetic test in our laboratory
A comprehensive evaluation of all test results
Individual recommendations for reducing biological age