Body Filler / Buttock Augmentation
Non-surgical buttock augmentation and reshape تكبير الأرداف بدون جراحة
Service Description
Non-surgical buttock augmentation is a great way to achieve the look you want without surgery. There are many different methods available, so it’s important to do your research and find the right one for you. One popular method is using injectable fillers like silicone or collagen. These products can help add volume and reshape your buttocks. Another option is using fat grafting, which involves transferring fat from other parts of your body to your buttocks. This method is a little more involved than injections, but it can give you a more natural look and feel. If you’re interested in non-surgical buttock augmentation, be sure to consult with a qualified professional who can help you choose the best approach for you. تتعد الطرق و الأساليب من أجل تكبير الأرداف، فمنها ما يتطلب تدخلا جراحيا و منها ما لا يتطلب تدخلا جراحيا، لذلك فإن خبراءنا في إيدن ديرما ينصحون، بمعرفة طبيعة العلاج، و ما إن كان يستدعي تدخلا جراحيا أم لا، من أجل القيام بالقرار الصحيح و الملاءم، الذي يوافق مستوى تطلعاتكم و انتظاراتكم، احجزي موعدا الآن، خبراءنا مستعدون للإجابة على جميع استفساراتكم.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: For cancellations, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. Thank you Bookings Checkout - Eden Derma Clinic - The Art of Aesthetic
Contact Details
Bay View Tower - Dubai - United Arab Emirates